5-10 minute warmup
A warm up is a 5 minute workout that gets the heart rate elevated, making it an excellent exercise to do before any other type of workout. It’s also helpful for people who are new to working out or have physical limitations.
Birddog ging
Birddogging is a simple exercise that can be done with any exercise. It involves having one person hold the other’s ankles, while the person being held works out their legs or arms. This helps to improve balance and coordination, as well as work on proprioception (the sense of where your body parts are in space). Birddogging is often used for warming up before starting weight training workouts, but it can also be used during strength training exercises. For example: If you’re doing bench presses or pushups, have someone help you keep your balance by holding onto your feet or your hands. If you’re doing squats, have someone hold your ankles and help you balance yourself as you lower into the squat position.
Bodyweight exercises
Bodyweight exercises are usually done with body weight only (no equipment), which means that they can be done anywhere, anytime without any need for a gym membership or a space to do them in. Examples of these include: pushups, pull ups, lunges, squats and burpees. Bodyweight exercises don’t require any special equipment either – no weights or bars needed! This makes them perfect for beginners who want to start working out , but don’t want to spend money on equipment.
Cardio exercise
A cardio workout is a full body exercise that’s meant to be done at an intense pace, usually for 30-60 minutes or more. It can be used as part of a strength training routine or by itself, and it will increase your heart rate so you’ll burn calories quickly after the workout is over. Cardio exercises are also very good for fat loss because they work out all of the major muscle groups in your body, which helps boost metabolism and calorie burning post-workout. The most common types of cardio exercises are: Running – A running workout is a great way to get in cardio without going out for a run. You can do any type of running you want, from sprints to long distance runs. Just make sure that you’re doing at least 30 minutes of continuous work each time you go for a run.
Walking – While it may not be as intense as running, walking is still considered an effective form of cardio because it’ll increase your heart rate and burn calories quickly after the workout is over.
Cycling – This type of exercise isn’t usually done by people who have never worked out before , but it’s a great way to get in cardio without having to go for a long ride on your bike.
Jumping Rope – This is an easy way to get in cardio, and if you’re using the right form, it can be very effective at burning calories.
One-legged or High Knees Squats – While this may not look like much of an exercise, doing squats with just one leg will increase your heart rate quickly. Doing them with both legs will make the workout even more intense.
HIIT Workout
This type of workout will focus on high intensity, short duration exercises. HIIT is a good way to burn calories and lose fat quickly because it works out your entire body, including your heart and lungs. HIIT workouts can be done as part of a weight training routine or by themselves, and they should be performed at least 3 times per week for best results. In addition, you should avoid doing HIIT workouts for more than 30 minutes at a time.
HIIT Intervals – This type of workout involves alternating between low intensity and high intensity exercises. The goal is to alternate between these two types of exercise for the entire duration of the workout, and then repeat the cycle again.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – This type of workout will focus on intervals that are performed at high intensity, such as sprinting or cycling at full speed. You’ll want to do this type of exercise 3 times per week for best results.
Gym workout Plan
One of the best ways to stay in shape is to find a gym nearby and work out. Working out at a gym helps keep your body healthy, but it also can help you lose weight. If you have been looking for a good time to go to the gym, now might be an excellent time!
Workout plans are made with workout routines to make workouts easier, better and more effective. A workout plan is your guide to making the most out of your workout routine. There are many beginner friendly exercise programs for men that help them begin their fitness journey in a safe zone although it’s not easy, they can do it easily by following steps written step by step.
Exercise 1: Barbell hip bridge Lie – face down on a bench with your legs straight and arms fully extended overhead.
Exercise 2: Barbell hip extension – Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hold a barbell at chest level in front of you, and extend the hips back as far as possible without arching the lower back. Make sure to keep both knees locked throughout this exercise.
Exercise 3: Chest press – Lay flat on a bench while holding onto an overhand grip handle attached to a barbell just above your chest. Push up through the hands until they are slightly higher than your shoulders .
Exercise 4: Lat pulldown – Lay flat on a bench with your arms fully extended overhead. Pull the bar down to your upper chest using an overhand grip, and then slowly return it back up to starting position.
Exercise 5: Abdominal crunch – Lie face down on a mat with knees bent at 90 degrees and feet flat on the floor. Engage your abdominal muscles by lifting your lower back off of the floor, tucking in chin slightly toward chest, and squeezing shoulder blades together as tightly as possible while maintaining this posture throughout exercise. Your arms should be fully extended overhead and your elbows should be fully locked.
Exercise 6: Rowing machine – Sit on a rowing machine with knees bent at 90 degrees, feet flat on the floor, and arms fully extended above you. Pull the handle towards your chest by extending hips backwards while maintaining this posture throughout exercise.
Exercise 7: Dumbbell shoulder press – Stand with both feet shoulder width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing down). Press the dumbbells up until they are just below shoulders level . Then slowly lower them back to starting position while maintaining constant tension throughout exercise.
Exercise 8: Pull-up – Begin in a hanging position with hands shoulder width apart, palms facing down and arms fully extended overhead. Pull yourself up until your chin is just above the barbell. Slowly lower back to starting position while maintaining constant tension throughout exercise.
Conclusion of Gym Training
You can be a gym pro in just a few short weeks. The things you need to know before going to the gym are easy and all you have to do is follow the simple steps outlined in this blog post. Gym training is a great way to stay fit, get rid of stress, and have fun at the same time. You don’t have to spend your hard-earned money on expensive gyms or equipment when you can start training at home with only a few pieces of equipment for an affordable price. Take advantage of our list today!